Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How To Get Rid Of Acne On Nose

Just published new article at SkinMorphy
Are you going to the prom this year? You would hate to know that a girl would turn you down because of the pimples on your nose. Imagine trying to have a chat with your friends and you know their eyes are focused on your nose.
Many people suffer from acne on the nose. The nose sheds more dead...

Get the remaining of the post at How To Get Rid Of Acne On Nose

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fade Acne Scars With New Laser

Acne affects many people regardless of age. Even celebrities like Kristen Stewart and Lorde are not spared from acne. If you are suffering from acne scars, a new laser may help by remodeling collagen.

Lately, the FDA approved a new laser which is known as Picosure. It fires laser at a trillion per second, which makes it a new technology for treating acne scars.

The laser can treat acne marks on the chest, face and back. It works on all skin types and tones. You need up to 4 sessions to see results. It is a quick treatment that last about 30 minutes. There is little downtime.

The dermatologist will apply numb cream before the procedure begins. So, you may feel discomfort for the first few days. For example, dryness and redness.

The cost depends on how large the treated area. It can run up to $1000.

If you can get your acne under control, the risk of scarring is minimal. Take a look at how this acne treatment system work.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Can Phone Cause Acne?

Do we talk a lot on phone? If you do, you probably have seen zits on your chin and jawline. Wait, isn't acne caused by crazy hormones? Can phone really cause acne? 

When you use your phone, there is a friction between the phone and your skin, which creates acne mechanica. This kind of rubbing can trigger breakouts. Instead of placing the phone near to your chin, try using a headset.

Your phone could be dirty. When you use it for a long time, your face will sweat. This grime will eventually clog your pores, causing breakouts.

With this knowledge, you can prevent acne by cleaning the phone regularly. You can give your face a wash after talking on the phone for an extended duration.

Maybe you should just use texting alone. This eliminates any chance of developing zits.

What happen if you have pimples from your conference call? You should consider using the best over the counter acne treatment. For more information, visit AcneCrusher.com today.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Acne Redness Without Costly Medications

When you have acne redness, your skin look horrible. So why does this happen? It could be the pores experiencing swelling and inflammation. Sometimes, your acne reacts adversely to topical medications. It can be painful. Here are some remedies to get rid of acne redness.

  1. Apply eyedrops on the affected area.
  2. Get an aspirin and crush it. Add water to turn into a paste. Apply it on the acne and let it sit for awhile.
  3. Apply toothpaste on the acne before you sleep. This should ease the swelling overnight.
  4. Wrap some ice cubes in clean towel. Apply it on the swollen area for a few minutes.
  5. You can make up to reduce acne redness. Apply the affected area with a green tinted concealer. This should make the color of the redness less noticeable. One last step is buff the inflamed area with a mineral powder makeup, making it closely resembles the original skin tone.

I have learned that you can avoid redness if you treat your pimples early. Acne spot treatments that use heat is ideal if your skin doesn't go well with topical creams. However, each person will see different results. What I use may not work for you. So, it is better for you to try what works for you.

When looking for a good acne clearing device, don't be conned into quick fixes. Look for one that can relieve the pain quickly and address the root cause which is the P. acnes bacteria.

I have found a very detailed post on choosing an effective acne clearing device at RobertoAgudelo.com. You don't have to waste your money resorting to expensive dermatological treatments.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Do Chest And Back Acne Make You Feel Insecure

Some people feel embarrassed to talk about back and chest acne. They feel helpless not knowing what to do about them. Some almost lost their mind trying to clear them up.

Bacne or chest acne is not only going to make you look horrible but it can make you insecure. This insecurity may compel you to wear certain clothes that will hide those pesky bumps. Even during summer times, you are reluctant to go swimming.

Some days are awful. You try all the clothes in your wardrobe and you could not conceal the acne. It is so emotionally painful that you burst out in tears, desperately wanting them to go away.

Just like most women, you like fashionable outfits as they make you feel confident. However, when you have acne, it is a struggle to feel good about yourself.

Now what you can do about back or chest acne?

There will be times that cleansing or using topical creams doesn't seem to make any difference on the bacne. It could be more of an internal problem. You probably have to look at your diet. Acne is linked to poor diet. If you want to know if which food is causing pimples, eliminate certain foods one at a time. Start with dairy products, refined sugar, fatty foods and processed foods.

Sometimes, you can be lucky to see acne reduced when you change your diet.  Drink plenty of water for improved toxin elimination. Practice healthy eating habits. Perhaps you have a terrible sweet tooth and I know sweet foods can be tempting. Don't succumb to them.

Your back or chest could be oily. Use mild soap bars like Pears Gentle Care Soap to clean your body once a day. Some women have success with African Black Soap. Don't use any harsh soap that can trigger breakouts. To keep your chest or back ventilated, wear a tank top or tube top for a week.

Check your hair care products. Some oils in hair conditioners and hair sprays will make their way to the pores. As you already know clogged pores can lead to  breakouts. Stop using them for 2 weeks and see whether your acne improves or not.

If you are still young, explore all over-the-counter remedies to get rid of acne. If nothing works, you may have to see a dermatologist to determine the underlying causes. You may have more than one underlying issue for your acne such as hormonal or nutritional factor. Or it could something that looks like acne for example, Keratosis Pilaris.

Your are not alone. I have been there before. I know what it's like. At one time I too struggled with back and chest acne. Insecurity is something you can't avoid. I had consulted many dermatologists and tried different remedies that I could get my hands on. It didn't improve until I found ZENMED Body Acne Combo and EXPOSED Acne treatment Serum. The combined treatment finally cleared my back and chest acne.

Imagine you can wear whatever you want. No more hiding. Be confident of yourself again.

Want to know more about these two products? Check out Zenmed Body Acne Combo and Exposed Acne Treatment Serum here.